Author name: Chris Lott

Chris is a syndicated author, digital marketer and experienced sales leader in the high tech sector.

Production Lines

Time for New Production Lines? Think Modular and Turnkey.

Competition in the food and beverage market grows more intense every day. The manufacturers that feed the world are being pushed to provide new products in a low-cost, fast and efficient method. As a result, the profits of successful food processors are heavily influenced by the performance of their production lines. Performance that many times […]

Time for New Production Lines? Think Modular and Turnkey. Read More »

food processing industry 4.0

Food Processing and Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0, the automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies, is creating numerous opportunities for food processing companies to digitize their supply and demand systems, thereby reducing waste and maximizing profitability. Few industries, like food and beverage (factories and processing plants) deal with regulations that are even remotely as complex as this sector. Requirements are

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Social Distancing Technology

Social Distancing Technology

The Coronavirus has had a tremendous impact on nearly all aspects of our lives. Consumer behavior has shifted toward shelf-stable (foods that can be safely stored at room temperature), frozen, and other longer shelf-life foods. How long these trends persist remains unclear, but like other essential industries, food processors must be quick adopters to this

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Seafood Processing Full Utilization

Seafood Processing Full Utilization

Global fisheries are missing out on millions of dollars in profits from fish and seafood byproducts including lesser-used parts of these species. Seafood processing full utilization offers new opportunities for competitiveness and profitability from what has historically been considered waste. Waste is a waste! Waste is a big issue worldwide in the fish and seafood

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Plant Closures

After COVID-19: Food Processors, Plant Closures and Employee Concerns

Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 and so on. This pandemic is reported 24/7 on news stations, social media and pretty much any media available to us today. A current crisis that all food processors are dealing with even though it looks like this pandemic is not transmitted by food. While we’re all getting tired of hearing about

After COVID-19: Food Processors, Plant Closures and Employee Concerns Read More »

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